Epub Link: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

                                                                                                 Pdf Link: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

                                Hey guys, I’m back with one of the best books of all time: The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. These books have a movie adaptation and its own cult fellowship(Get it?). This author is really awesome… like he created an entire new language with its own grammar rules and not to mention the world building, they are so detailed and incredible. Click the link for downloading the 50th anniversary edition of the trilogy. Amidst the Coronavirus lockdown, chill with this book series. Stay home and stay safe.


              With this spectacular tale, Tolkien invented not only a language and a land in which it was spoken, but also — unintentionally — a new literary genre. Tolkien was perhaps the first author to create a fully realized, authentic-seeming world. Brimming with various cultures and creatures engaged in an existence that accepted magic, it is as fully realized as our own. What is it that draws generations of adolescents — and latecomer adults — to Middle Earth? Epic battles, yes, but inner turmoil too; Overwhelming forces of evil, but also temptation and greed within oneself; potent sorcery, but perhaps more so the magical spells of friendship and loyalty and devotion. This is the kind of story the word epic seems to have been invented for, but it’s also an intimate tale about the bonds among companions and about the human instinct to do the right thing. From these simple features it derives its true power.

Hoping you like it,
Kiran Vishwak


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