Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Probability, Charles M. Grinstead, J. Laurie Snell
- Probability Theory, S.R.Srinivasa Varadhan
- Probability, Random Processes, and Ergodic Properties, R.M. Gray
- An Introduction to Probability and Random Processes, Gian-Carlo Rota and Kenneth Baclawski
- Probability Theory: The Logic of Science, Edwin Thompson Jaynes
- Probability on Trees and Networks, Russell Lyons with Yuval Peres
- Probability, Douglas Kennedy
- Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications , Oliver Knill
- Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability, S.P. Meyn and R.L. Tweedie
- Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs, David Aldous
- Lectures on Statistics-Robert B. Ash
- A Programmed Introduction To Statistics – Elzey
- Lecture Notes in Statistics– G. Larry Bretthorst
- Charting Statistics – Spear, Mary Eleanor
- Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics – Richard Lowry
- Convergence of Stochastic Processes – David Pollard
- Discriminant Analysis and Clustering – NAP
- Electronic Statistics Textbook –
- An Anthology of Chance Operations– La Monte Young, editor
- Advanced probability theory– Prof. Boris Tsirelson
- An Exploration of Random Processes for Engineers – B. Hajek
- Elementary Statistical Analysis – Wilks, S.S
- Probability Tutorials by Noel Vaillant
- Random Walks and Diffusion by Martin Z. Bazant
- Reversible Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs by David Aldous, and Jim Fill
- Notes on probability theory by Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr.
- An introduction to stochastic differential equations by Lawrence Craig Evans
- Stochastic Calculus by Alan Bain
- Statistics by S.R.S.Varadhan
- Stochastic Processes by S.R.S.Varadhan
- Stochastic Differential Equations by Thomas G. Kurtz
- Stochastic Integration and Stochastic Differential Equations by Klaus Bichteler